Warren Eckstein, Trustee
Warren Eckstein is an internationally known pet and animal expert.
Warren developed his unique approach for understanding animal behavior by combining different techniques learned and observed while working in Southeast Asia and Europe.
He has devoted over 40 years to teaching both pets and their people to live happily together through his unique Hugs and Kisses approach to animal behavior, care and training.
Warren has worked with more than 40,000 pets including those of many well known celebrities. David Letterman, Cheryl Tiegs, Lily Tomlin, Geraldine Ferraro, Al Pacino, Rodney Dangerfield, and Phylicia Rashaad are just a few of many whom Warren has helped with pet problems.
Warren Eckstein has been a Contributing Pet & Animal Editor for NBCs TODAY Show for nearly a decade. For the more than fourteen years, Warren was the regular pet and animal expert for the national television show LIVE! WITH REGIS AND KATHIE LEE. He has also been seen weekly on The Discovery Channel and youngsters are familiar with Warren from his appearances as the Creature Keeper for the Disney Channels New Mickey Mouse Club.
Warren hosts his own syndicated radio show, The Pet Show With Warren Eckstein, which is heard on top-rated WOR Radio in New York and is syndicated in scores of markets nationwide, in addition to Canada. He also hosts a similar program on top-rated Smart Talk KRLA 870am Radio in Los Angeles. As a pet therapist, Warren dispenses pet behavior and psychology advice during his call-in shows. Consequently, hes been nicknamed The Dr. Phil of Pets.
Nationally, Warren has made appearances on The Tonight Show, Late Night with David Letterman, Good Morning America, 20/20, Current Affair, Hard Copy, E!, Life Styles of the Rich and Famous, and others. Warren has been featured in People Magazine, Time, USA Today, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The New Yorker, Money Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, Family Circle the publications are too numerous to list!
Warren has launched a pet product line with Warren Ecksteins Hugs & Kisses vitamin and mineral supplement / treat for dogs and cats.
Warren founded the Hugs & Kisses Animal Fund, a not-for-profit organization, in memory of his wife Fay who died in 1990. Its mission is to fund hundreds of small animal organizations across the US.

Denise Madden: Trustee & Executive Secretary
Denise served as an Account Executive for Storer Broadcasting, ABC Radio & Shamrock Broadcasting. While in Seattle, She was Co-Founder & 1st President for the Advertising Industry Emergency Fund (AIEF) in 1990-92.
She also served a Board member for the Puget Sound Radio Broadcasters Association. Denise is eternally grateful to Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue for gifting her with Rio, the magnificent German Shepherd who was responsible for bringing Warren & Denise together.
Julie Langdeau
Post-college on the East Coast, Julie developed a passion for working with children, which guided her career choices for the next 15 years. Leaving the business world, she returned to graduate school and built a professional career serving underprivileged kids. In 2011 she extended her reach to animals, by joining Warren Eckstein and Denise Madden. Through this entire period, Julie's self-taught aptitude for technology led her to provide training and assistance in the newly emerging field of Educational Technology to schools in CT and AZ. Since then she has served as Warren & Denise's Media Assistant, Administrator, Go-To-Gal, Web-Mistress, Tech Coordinator, and most importantly, admiring friend. She is also secretly tasked with dragging Warren & Denise, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century!
Julie loves engaging with all The Pet Show listeners she speaks with. She lives under beautiful, pink Arizona skies, with her rescued besties: Loki (aka Boo); and a trio of “precious” kitties; Goldie, Topaz and Mica. She feels blessed to have deserts, mountains, lakes, and Alpine meadows, all within her reach.

In Living Memory of Fay Eckstein:
Warren’s late wife Fay Eckstein worked side-by-side with him for 19 years and is the inspiration for the Hugs and Kisses Animal Fund. Fay shared writing credits for several books with Warren and helped run his pet behavior and therapy business. True soul mates, Warren described in his autobiography “I was the Dreamer – Fay was the Weaver of my Dreams.”
Fay was painfully aware of the incredible need of small organizations across the United States who struggle valiantly in their efforts to save animals. Because they don’t have the savvy of major public relations people behind them or big budgets, they usually are running against the wind.
Gone too soon, in 1990 Fay lost her battle with melanoma at age 36. Warren wanted to establish a lasting, loving tribute to her love and life-long passion for animals.
The Hugs and Kisses Animal Fund is Warren’s way of perpetuating the love and devotion Fay displayed for the humane community during her short, yet purpose-filled life.